Here at RTB we are so excited to kick off a new year of crafting!
We encourage you to challenge yourself, raise your own level of crafting, and keep your resolution to use those new stamping items. And yes, we will even use those supplies that you just had to have in your collection. ;)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Challenge #58

Happy beautiful Friday everyone!
I am so excited to post today's announcement, we have 2 new Bar-Tenders who will be joining in on our weekly fun! Congratulations to the following ladies who have just been hired:

They will join in on the fun as full time employees next week. Yay!
And now, a huge THANK YOU for all the amazing entries in our G.R.E.E.N. acrostic challenge last week. Wow - you all were so creative with your acronyms, they all had me smiling at your clever concoctions! Without further ado, congratulations to the following entries:
(Please click their names to discover what their acrostic stood for.)

Congratulations ladies! Please email me at for next week's assignment.

Now are you ready for a picture perfect Spring day? Me too! Especially with this week's photo inspiration:
Isn't she just adorable? Now here's where you have full creative license - you can take this picture literally, you can use the colors from this image, you can create a card inspired by this cutie, just be sure to let us know your interpretation of it!
And starting us off this week is our bar-tender Susan who used this picture as a sketch and image inspiration (brilliant!!):
Susan Margarson

Thanh's beautiful homage with such a gorgeous image!

Julie's wonderful outdoorsy color scheme:

My color combo inspired card:

Come and show us how that spring picture inspired you! Click on the happy blue frog below to link up your work. Have a wonderful week ahead everyone!

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