First off, a huge thank you for all your participation in last week's Thank You/Grateful challenge last week! It was a beautiful way to celebrate the holidays, seeing all the thankful gorgeous cards. I will be showcasing the winners in a bit...
After seeing the Bar grow, we realize that we need a few more employees to help stir up the concoctions. Yes, we are having a DESIGN TEAM call throughout the entire month of December. The requirements are simple - one card a week, and posting it to your blog on Fridays. Easy peasy, right? We will be resuming our first Friday of the month sponsorship come the new year, which means that you will be receiving some fun digis from different companies as a designer! If you are interested, please put the initials DT next to your entry for this upcoming challenge.
And speaking of challenge, we will be taking a December hiatus for all of our holiday busyness. This challenge will be the only challenge until we see you again in January, so please join in on the fun! The winners will be announced in the new year, along with our newest Bar-Tenders who will be contacted over the holidays.
Before we move on to this week's theme, congratulations to the following Thank You/Grateful participants:
Congratulations, ladies! Please contact me any time this month for January's theme. Thank you!
And now on to this month's challenge:
And now on to this month's challenge:
It's Beginning To Look a lot Like Christmas!
We want to see what this month means to you, whether it be a wintry card, shopping, religious, or whimsical, share it with us!
Here are some wonderful samples by the Guest Bar-Tender Fiona and the Design Team:

we'll see you in 2012!
we'll see you in 2012!