Here at RTB we are so excited to kick off a new year of crafting!
We encourage you to challenge yourself, raise your own level of crafting, and keep your resolution to use those new stamping items. And yes, we will even use those supplies that you just had to have in your collection. ;)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Challenge #4

Happy Friday everyone! I have to say that last week's challenge truly brought out some amazing cards! I giggled as I saw how old many of your papers were (and gulp - how many I own as well). When it came down to the winner, I had to go with Teri's card here:


See that DP? It is from an older Debbi Moore CD, which just amazed me. If I owned a CD with downloadable papers, I would never be able to find it. lol!  Congratulations Teri, and a huge thank you to everyone who joined in on the fun.
And now for this week's challenge...
It's time to have a Heart To Heart Talk heehee!
I know, this was expected as Valentine's Day is right around the corner, so let's see some hearts on your cards. Here's an array of inspiration from the wonderful Design Team:

Sparkle's delightful sweet-heart:

Audrey's adorable sweetie:

Darlene's Vintage Beauty:

Suzi's happy patterned heart:

Anita's Regal Heart:

My own truckload of hearts:

And now, you know what to do! Have some heart and show us what you've made. ;) heehee! Thank you all for your support here, enjoy your weekend everyone!


  1. Beautiful choice for the winning entry!

  2. Another great challenge and wonderful DT cards! Jo x

  3. Fabulous creations by the DT!! Congrats Teri!!

  4. Wow you ladies on the DT are fabulous.. each of those cards is just gorgeous!

  5. Just found you this week, I added you to my side bar, look forward to playing here.

  6. Am Playing too! Congrats to the winner!

  7. Thanks for the challenge ladies, but I'm a little troubled by Mr Linky at the moment. He's talking about entering something called Friendship Friday, and the link provided to find out more goes to an invalid entry on a blog about British Columbia ?????
    So, I'm not sure if it will count but I'm adding my entry here instead :)

    Here is my card

  8. Thanks for another great challenge - I am really enjoying this group!


  9. Mr Linky is hiding..but i clicked the 'box' and wa-la!! It was like a surprise party!! and everyone was there! Love all the DT cards, fabulous!

  10. I think mr. Linky is dead so here is my new lo with lots of love and hearts

  11. GReat DT creations,
    here are my hearts

  12. I love your challenge blog and your samples are wonderful!! Great job! Hugs, Cathy
